Monday, January 20, 2014

The final word on... same sex marriage

There has been a lot of noise about the issue of same sex marriage and it’s time for the voice of reason (that’s would be me) to finally put the matter to rest once and for all.  The verdict that I've given is this:  Same sex marriage is OK. 

Consider the current divorce rate.   I think it’s like 92% or something.  I could check, but I’m pretty sure (99%) that the number I made up is accurate.  Gays and Lesbians have been fighting for a long time for equality and actually want to get married so those marriages will probably last.  When the divorce rate goes down, then people who put a lot of stock in statistics (78% of you) will be very happy over those improved numbers.   This will have a domino effect and help the economy by creating more jobs in the marriage industry (also known as “Big Marriage”, a subsidiary of “Big Oil and Big Pharma”).   The economic ripple effect will be like a floral scented tsunami: Increased honeymoon travel to overpriced locales, more toasters and bread makers sold (and other wedding gift items), I could go on and on and on but that would mean thinking of other stuff to write so I’ll stop here.

Another benefit of same sex coupling is that these newlyweds will not produce children.   If they want kids, they’re going to have to work their butts off to get them. Adoption or going through medical processes and procedures all cost a ton of time and money.   Those kids would actually be WANTED.   Yes, I’m pointing an accusatory finger at you people who let your kids run amok in Walmart and annoy decent voices of reason (me).   That same finger is pointed at all the people who (whoopsie) get pregnant in an era where there is no shortage of contraception or education on birth control and act like making an unplanned baby is akin to slipping on a patch of ice (hence the “whoopsie” comment) because they think they won’t get pregnant by doing the only damned thing in the world that can get them pregnant.  Sorry, I digress.   Back to the point… don’t worry, gays and lesbians will raise your unwanted children for you.   And not to press the point too far, but I’m sure they’ll do a much better job of it. 

Those opposed to same sex marriage often say that this would create a moral slippery slope.  Like if gays and lesbians are allowed to pledge their love and commitment to each other in a legally binding ceremony, then what’s to stop a man marrying his dog?   Well, that’s just ridiculous because a man would never marry a dog; the real danger here is a woman marrying her cat.  We all know that is far more likely because the term “lunatic dog man” is never heard, but we’re all familiar with the designation, “crazy cat lady”.  This is a very real threat because I’ve witnessed (first hand!!) framed photographs of departed cats hanging on the wall, urns containing cat ashes sitting on mantelpieces and lit by soft lighting, “Mr. Fuzzypaws” being cuddled and canoodled in a far from appropriate manner… and that, at least to me, is a hell of a lot scarier than two gay guys in tuxedos attending Church.   And let’s be honest, those cat marriages wouldn’t last because crazy cat ladies who are so desperately in love with their cat (we all know the cat doesn’t really give a shit about them, not in *that* way, anyway.  I mean, they like them and all, and they probably think they’re cool to hang out with, but marriage…whoa, back up man!) probably has multiple felines running around her smelly house or apartment and that would lead to feline polygamy, which is a whole different problem.  

Speaking of which, why are we so worked up over same sex marriage when right on our televisions is a show called “Sister Wives” starring a douche bag and his 4 homely wives (and their emotionally scarred troupe of children running amok).  Why are we celebrating this creep’s lifestyle and possibly encouraging other unattractive men and women to form polygamous bonds with each other?   Why are we allowing them to get married and cohabitate, increasing the risk of creating more weird children, thus giving a rubber stamp approval to that lifestyle?   

Oh yeah, because what other consenting adults do in the bedroom has no effect on us at all.   Let’s just bomb another village and call it a day.

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