Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dead Body Etiquette

Warning:  This article contains references to dead bodies.  If you are squeamish or easily offended, I suggest you keep reading.   It will be like, therapeutic.

With Christmas only a couple days away, many people are experiencing a great deal of stress and anxiety, wondering what to do if they find a dead body.   Not to worry, I've compiled a list of do’s and don’ts which are conveniently interchangeable depending on your point of view, moral turpitude and sense of humor.

Please note however, that this only applies to FINDING a dead body, not CREATING one (murder).  Also, the following is only applicable to finding a stranger’s dead body… finding a dead relative or friend is just traumatic so let’s not even go there.


So we've all been through it… it’s a sunny afternoon and your phone rings.   It’s your friend and before you even have a chance to say hello, they blurt out, “Hey, do you want to go see a dead body?”   Of course you do, because you’re only human and that means that you exhibit a natural curiosity when it comes to life, death and the beautiful and mysterious cycle of life.   Plus, you may be a bit of a creep and doing morbid shit like that is right up your alley because you’re so desensitized from watching “The Walking Dead” and all those George Romero zombie movies (Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Morning Coffee Break of the Dead, Afternoon Tea Time of the Dead, etc.)  So you’re all set for the adventure of going to look at a body.  But what if you’re the one that finds the body in the first place?  What are you going to do?  

1.       Even if you’re 100% sure that the body is in fact dead, you should always poke it with a stick, just to make sure. 
2.      If there isn’t a stick around, you should nudge the body with your foot a couple times.  After making certain it’s really a dead body and not just some passed out drunk…
3.      Call you friends and before they even say hello, blurt out, “Hey, you want to go see a dead body?” 
4.      Do not take a selfie with the body.  
5.      Take a moment before your creepy friends arrive to ponder the beautiful and mysterious cycle of life.  Chase away any raccoons that may be in a scavenging mood.
6.      Do not move the body, even to arrange it in comical looking poses.   Life isn't like “Weekend at Bernie’s.”
7.      Contact the authorities
8.      When the authorities arrive, put all your time watching Crime Dramas like CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Friends, etc. to work by immediately telling the cop, “Based on lividity, I estimate the time of death at 12 pm yesterday.”  When the cop questions how you would know that, say, “I poked it with a stick.” 
9.      Before the reporters arrive, get presentable for the camera.   If you are female:  Wear a bathrobe and have a lit cigarette in your hand, messily applied makeup and messy hair.  Try to use phrases like “Lawd” and “It was just lyin’ there!  All dead!”
If you are a male:  Take off your shirt.   Speak quickly and use the word “uh” in place of commas. 

      When strangers ask you if you are OK (adjusting to the trauma of finding a dead body) just nod your head a lot and mumble, “Lawd” and “uh”.   Chances are they will drape a blanket over your shoulders.   Hey, free blanket.

No matter what happens, once the experience is over you’ll no doubt experience regret, some form of PTSD or “Shit, I should have checked to see if there was any money in his pockets!”    No matter what, when you tell this story (and you will tell this story to everyone you meet for the rest of your life) always try to make yourself out to be a hero.   Don’t forget to mention how you poked it with a stick.   The response you will receive will invariably be, “Awwwww, no way!!!  That is so gross!!!!”  Followed by, “Cool.”

Merry Christmas

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