You know when something really awful happens and you feel
terrible about it and you mope around and feel like crap but then something
funny happens, and for that second or two you manage to forget the tragedy and
just have a laugh? But then, after
your laugh you remind yourself, “Oh yeah, I shouldn’t be laughing because so
and so just died!” and then you feel really guilty about laughing. But you shouldn’t. What you should feel guilty about is
forgetting who it was that died and you had to refer to them as “so and
Bad things happen all the time, it’s a given, so why not
have a chuckle when the moment presents itself? I say go to a stranger’s funeral and just
laugh it up, really loudly. It can be
very therapeutic. Another great time for a laugh is during
business meetings, especially when your boss is sharing some really bad news
about losing capital or high SG&A adversely affecting the P&L. I find that giggling throughout can really
boost my spirit. I often get depressed
in meetings because I don’t know what an SG&A is. It probably has something to do with
something or other. But that’s just an
educated guess.
We shouldn’t focus on the bad things though. We should rather focus on the annoying
things, because those things we can complain about and that will make us feel
better in a constructive way. For
instance, something that really annoys me is men who carry around shoulder
bags. A guy in a suit may need to tote
a briefcase because there are probably important papers in there (probably about
SG&As) but some dude carrying a shoulder bag (or man purse if you prefer)
just screams “Douche Bag!” Or maybe that
screaming is just coming from me, usually from across the street, “Hey Douche
bag, what are you carrying around in that shoulder bag?!?! Your Goddamn lunch?!?!?!” Because really, I only carry a wallet, my
car keys, a pack of smokes and sometimes when I remember to take it, my stupid
work Blackberry. All that stuff either
fits in a pocket or if it’s too warm for a jacket, I just carry them. No man should have so much stuff that it
necessitates having a purse. So please
do me a favor… the next time you see one of those guys with a shoulder bag,
just tackle him to the ground (trust me, he won’t put up a fight – he’s
carrying a purse for God’s sake) and rip that bag away and report back to me
what he’s got in there. If it’s more
than 4 things, kick him in the ribs while he’s down. And while you’re at it, throw a stick into
the spokes of a cyclist, because those bastards annoy everyone. I mean really, is that stupid mushroom helmet
necessary? And if it is, there is no
way those awful shorts and stupid ankle socks are doing anyone any good.
The lesson here is that when something horrible happens in
your life, don’t try focusing on the positive things because that just doesn’t
work. Focus instead on the annoying
things, because those things are much more real. Not to say that positive things don’t
happen, I’m sure they do from time to time… but instead of trying to convince
yourself that every cloud has a silver lining (how can a cloud have a
lining? Is it supposed to be an outline
or something? I’ve never seen a cloud
with an outline. And why would a lining on a cloud (even if it’s
made of silver) be of any value to us? “Oh
no, it’s raining, but at least that cloud is lined with silver… but I’m still
getting soaked.”) Where was I? Oh yeah, so when bad things happen, distract
yourself with things that are annoying… kind of like this blog entry.
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