Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A rant on Government

It used to bother me that Canadians were stereotyped as docile, polite, sheepish, etc. I knew we weren't any of those things. Just go to a hockey game or a house party and you'll see the falacy of that statement. Canadians are just as aggressive, rude and pushy as any other nationality. The problem is, those disparaging (yes, being classified as docile, polite and sheepish IS disparaging) comments are true when it comes to how Canadians view the government and the laws they impose upon us. We may come to blows over issues such as who will be the new Hockey Night in Canada commentator, but if the government were to impose an additional 10% tax on our income, we would accept it without a whimper. When the government tells us to do something we don't like, we do it. We may grumble (quietly, politely) but we never do anything about it. I think the main issue is how we view our government. We think that the government is there to protect our best interests (and that is correct) but we think that the only way to do that is to tell us what to do. We're all familiar with the phrase "nanny state", and yet we don't seem to consciously apply it to our present circumstances. "Don't run, you'll trip and fall!" "Don't put that in your mouth, it's bad for you!" "Sit quietly!" Those are good pieces of advice if uttered by a preschool teacher, but not by a government dictating punishable laws to adults. We don't need the government to be our nanny. We're grown ups! We should be able to decide what to do with our money, what to eat, what to drink, what books our kids should or shouldn't read... but we turn that control over to the government, as if they are all knowing and all beneficient as well as all powerful. We have to stop being afraid of our government. In a democracy, the government is supposed to be afraid of the people. In Canada, the government has nothing to fear.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

This is my Blog

So yeah, this is my blog. Welcome. Make yourself at home. Please use a coaster and no spitting on the floors.

The main goal of this site is to promote my book, "The Infallible Heart of Andy Tiernan". The second goal of this site is to rant about stuff. Because I live to rant and my rants are, in the words of one of my fans, "ranty." Which I think means, "having the characteristics of a rant."

In due time, I'll figure out how to post things and that will make this blog really entertaining and fun for the whole family. Until then, keep your snide comments about this being a boring place to visit to yourself. I won't stand for rudeness, I just won't. Unless it's directed at someone other than me, in which case I encourage rudeness wholeheartedly.