Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Another great idea on how to change the world

I would hazard a guess and say that almost all of us are against things like war, greed, corruption and other goods and services provided by our governments.   I think, if someone were to conduct a poll, the number of people against that stuff would be pretty darn high, and yet oddly enough we don’t really care all that much or do anything about it.   Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as indifferent and lazy as everyone else, it’s just that I’m using up a tiny bit of energy to write about it and that will ease my conscience.   

It’s all about priorities.   I mean, sure it’s sad that entire villages somewhere are getting fire bombed and babies are dying and old rich white guys are getting older and richer and (for some reason) whiter all the time.   But if you compare that stuff to say, television shows that I really like, it’s not like I have all the time and energy in the world.   Something has got to be ignored and gosh, my apologies to those babies on fire.  Sincerely.

Imagine if we said something like, “Hey, our government shouldn’t be making deals with evil corporations and using our tax dollars to bail out billionaires or buy a bunch of tanks that we wouldn’t use unless we were in a foreign country doing stuff that we have no business doing in the name of democracy or something.” 
And then someone said, “You should contact your member of parliament and tell them how mad you are and how you’re going to vote them out in the next election.” 
And then we kind of mumble, “Well, I didn’t think I’d have to write a letter or anything… I mean, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do and I’m pretty tired right now and really, what are you gonna do?  That kind of stuff will always go on, there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“To start with, you could spend 10 minutes and write a letter.”
Then we reasonably respond, “Why don’t you fuck off?”

So obviously, us hating something won’t motivate us to do much.   It’s the same if we really, really love something, like the Earth and yet we allow certain companies to pollute water supplies but the news doesn’t report on it, because apparently Kim Kardashian is getting married or divorced or is pregnant or just  bought a new purse and really, things like that are quite a bit more important that women and children getting blown up because they happen to live in a desert hell hole with oil rigs.  

ANYWAY, my point is that even though we hate stuff like that (burning villages and greedy bastards and what not), we still won’t do anything about it because we’re distracted or lazy or whatever.   But I do however have an idea on how to make people care.   I’ve observed that I tend to put more energy into getting rid of things that irritate me than things that I care deeply about.  I think this is true of most of us.   Sure our righteous indignation can be a powerful thing, but it just doesn’t prompt us into action.   So someone needs to invent something that will make us care.   I don’t know what it would be, but I know how it would work:
Every time someone was killed in a war zone, we would get a tiny electric shock, like when someone rubs their feet on a thick carpet and touches your ear lobe.   One or two of those wouldn’t be bad, but if you were in the middle of making supper and that happened about a dozen times in a minute, you would get annoyed enough to write a letter or call your congressman.  “Seriously, my pie is ruined because I kept getting shocks!  Can you PLEASE stop killing civilians?!”

Each time a shady deal was made between a politician and some corporation, the government would no longer be able to just print money to cover the cost.  Now your portion would be directly withdrawn from your bank account along with an explanation of why it was deducted.  “$3.94 was removed so the distinguished gentleman from Connecticut could get a new yacht.  He made a deal with Mr. So and So of Rape the Environment R US.”   And then you could scream, “That’s the fifth time today!!  All these crappy deals are costing me a fortune!”   You would probably want them to go back to the old way of just running up debt for these things, but that isn’t allowed because you have to properly annoyed enough to voice your discontent.

Other examples might be Drone Attacks = 20 minutes in a traffic jam.   Election fraud = upset stomach resulting in diarrhea.  News Outlets all pushing the same nonsense to keep you ill-informed and kind of stupid = chronic dandruff and your household internet goes down.  Politicians who start out making $50,000 a year and retire multimillionaires = runny nose and oh, I dunno, let’s say foot cramps.   

The point is, if every time some injustice was done we suffered something irritating, I bet we would all be a lot more inclined to work for real hope and change.

Oh, how about this last one:   Every time the government lies to us, you have to read one of my essays.