Monday, February 25, 2013

A Special Literary Announcement!

My first novel, “The Infallible Heart of Andy Tiernan” is now available in e-book format through Amazon.  In fact, it is ONLY available as an e-book now.    The reason, I am self-deprecatingly proud to say, is because over the last year I have sold exactly 0 copies in soft cover.  I know, quite an achievement!   So before I beg, plead and implore you all to buy my book, I thought I would start out by saying why you should NOT buy it.   For starters, it’s not exactly a crowning achievement in literature.    It’s a small book that most people can read in a few hours and chances are that it won’t change your life or provide any deep insights into the universe.    When you compare it to other books out there, it kinda falls short.  I’m not talking about comparing it to the classics or even those trashy romance novels that people sell at garage sales for 5 cents.   Even compared to those books, mine doesn’t quite measure up.  Believe me, there are times when I finish reading a good book and think, “Holy, I have absolutely no talent!”   But then, once in a while, when someone tells me that they enjoyed my book, it gives me a kind of glowing delusion that warms my soul and keeps me typing away.  

That kind of encouragement is what we struggling artists live for.  But even beyond that, beyond the soul crushing revelations that I haven’t quite found success yet is the fact that this little book is dear to me.   It wasn’t the first book I wrote and I didn’t write it with any grand purpose or message attached to it.   In fact, I wrote most of it in long hand, on a pad of legal paper.   I wrote it when I was all alone, summoning all the muses if not for inspiration, then for some company.    I was, like Zack, lonely and looking for something to cheer me up.  I wanted to write something a little funny and a little sad and something that would make some people smile.   Pathetic really. 

But here’s the part when I ask you to buy it.   First off, it’s only 5 bucks.   Like I said, it will only take a few hours to read and there may be some parts that will make you laugh, or forget about that jerk in the office or how you should be vacuuming or cleaning the bathroom instead of just sitting there reading.    You can read it on any reader or computer or ipad or smart phone (the link for the Kindle app will be posted below).   If you buy the book, I’ll be forever grateful, I’ll name one of the characters in my new book after you and I’ll include you in my evening prayers.   All that for 5 measly bucks!  

Now that I’ve begged you to buy it, I have another favor to ask:  please tell a friend about it.   Back when the softcovers were flying off the shelves (total sales: 7 or 8) some of you lent it to a friend… and that’s great, but it kinda rips off the poor author when you do that.  So as an e-book, you can just tell your cheapskate buddies that they have no excuse because it’s only 5 bucks!  Then, hopefully they’ll tell a friend and so on and so on and then before you know it, I’ll be famous and you can proudly say, “I knew that guy back when he took my phone calls!” 

Even beyond that, if things do take off, you can proudly say that you were a part of it all.  You can say that you helped make it a success.   You won’t forget something that… I know, because I never will forget what you did for me either. 

Since I’m here, I might as well thank my friend Dave for designing the new cover.  I really like it and I think you will too.  And another special thank you to my friend who bought the book, never read it, but was still kind enough to give me a glowing review on Amazon.  It’s that kind of insincerity that makes a true friend!    

So there you go, a special plea to make this book a success so I won’t lose all hope and stop writing forever… cursing all of you for dashing my hopes and sending me into a downward spiral of drug abuse, alcoholism and self-loathing.   No pressure.

Here’s the link:

And here’s the link for the Kindle app so you can read it on anything electronic (except for things like, I dunno, a lamp.  But who knows, the way technology is taking off nowadays, maybe someday you can even read it on your toaster.  If that ever happens, remember where you heard it first.)